Intriguing India: The Alluring North


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Hugh and Colleen Gantzer live their dream. Colleen had always wanted to fly and she did pilot a plane in the Swiss Alps while Hugh sat behind saying a rosary, just in case! Hugh had longed to see those far away places with their strange sounding names so he joined the Indian Navy. Hugh took premature retirement when he was the Judge Advocate of the Southern Naval Area and Hugh and Colleen decided to become a travel-writer-photographer team. Suddenly, things changed. They found themselves surfing on the great travel wave that was sweeping across the world. In quick succession they launched India’s first travel column carried in all editions of a national daily on the editorial page. They hosted 52 weekly episodes of India’s first nation-wide TV travel show, wrote the first travel scripts for dot.coms, won national and international awards, toured India and the world as guests of eager tourism organisations. They have, possibly, visited, photographed and written about more places in India than anyone else in the long history of our land.Once, a greatly revered maternal uncle, who had just retired as India’s Naval Chief, had asked them, “How long more will you continue to travel?” That was before they were invited to a winter ball in Vienna. Today, for six months every year, when they’re not in their Victorian cottage in the oak woods of the Himalayas, they’re still travelling…and they’re still having a ball.

The first in the series of four travel guides on India, this book takes the reader on an interesting journey across North India. An opportunity to share the authors’ fascinating encounters that they experienced in their quest.

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